Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thank You!

I haven't been on the site in a while because it seemed like the traffic stopped, but in the last few months we have added several countries!  I updated the site statistics at the bottom of the page!  Once again thanks for all who have helped make this a success!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Around the World!!!

Hello Everyone!

     My name is Matthew.  I am conducting an experiment to test the power that email has in our world today.  If you are visiting this site, you should have been sent an email telling you to do so.  Here is what this is all about.  I'm sure all of you get those annoying chain emails all the time telling you to pass them on to your friends.  Well, have you ever wondered how fast and far they spread?  Do they make it international?  That is what I am going to find out.  Using your help and the help of some stats from Google, I want to answer all of those questions.  What I am asking you to do is to look at the bottom of this post where it says "comments" and click on that. Then, leave a comment in this form: "City, State, Country". For example: Albuquerque, NM, Untied States.  You can leave it as anonymous, or put your name in.  I will, every few days update a map of North America or add a map of another country every time I get a comment.  There will be a little star on each and every city that is posted.  The Google stats I will be using will show me the countries other people are in and, better yet, which browser (Firefox, IE, Safari) and which operating system (Windows, Mac, even iPhone) people are using to access my site.  While looking at the comments, if you happen to notice that your city is already on there, please do not post it again (for my convenience).  Finally, thank you for your help in my experiment!  Also make sure to forward the email to anyone you know that lives in a different city, state, or country than you! Be sure to come back every few days to see the growing page views and vote on the poll! (scroll down)